Three Z-03A two-seater gliders were bought by the Centre National de Vol a Voile for the national soaring centre at Saint-Hubert in 1955. These glider were originally registered as HA-5188, HA-5189 and HA-5192 though were not flown in Hungary but their test flights. The gliders had the OO-ZPL, OO-ZPN and OO-ZPO registrations in Belgium. The St-Hubert Centre operated them till the end of the sixties. They were used for ab-initio training together with new Schleicher Ka-2b Rönschwalbe two seaters. The training were done by aerotowing and the pupils flew their first two solos in the type they got the training beforehand. Then they changed over to Grünau-Baby-IIs or Grünau-Baby-IIIs to earn their 'B' as well as 'C' certificates. During regular 3 weeks training courses pupils usuallay earned their 'B' certificates and occasionally even their 'C' ones as well.
In 1970 the Z-03As and Ka-2bs were replaced by Schleicher ASK-13s. The Z-03As were handed over to different Belgian aeroclubs. The new operator of the OO-ZPN became the 'Zoute Aviation Club' at Kortrijk-Wevelgem airfield in August, 1970. The OO-ZPO in May, 1971 went to the 'Aero Nord' at Moorsele airfield and OO-ZPL in April, 1972 to the 'Antwerp Zweefclub Meeuw' at Oud-Turnhout airfield.
The 'Zoute Aviation Club' used OO-ZPN up to 1973. During one of the flights the canopy get torn off and a new canopy opening sideways was built and installed by club members. After withdrawing the glider from service it was stored in a box up to 1977. But later, in 1980, the remains were burned by a club member in Izegem.
The OO-ZPO changed location a couple of times and in 1974 found its final location at the 'Zoute Aviation Club'. Here it was in use till the end of 1975 however during this period only 20 or 21 launches were made at all. In November, 1975 it was withdrawn from service and later was destroyed.
The OO-ZPL was used for a couple of years by the 'Antwerp Zweefclub Meeuw'. Then according to the Belgian Civil Aircraft Register it was sold to Bujumbura, Burundi. The exact year is not given in the register and the glider later fate is unknown.
[Information and pictures by courtesy of Herman Vanhoutte]

Gábor FEKECS E-mail: